This mom makes her kids pay the bills!

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A mother decided to charge her children for meals, water and even Internet. The goal ? That they have value for money, even if they are very young…

On social networks, many parents share their educational methods with Internet users. Between homeschooling and day-to-day financing, parents want to share everything with their children so that they are ready later to face the adult world. This is the case of this mother, Ashleigh Jade, who shared in a video on TikTok her tips for empowering her children. Aged 12, 11, 10 and 9, his children keep their accounts. No way for her to manage everything…!

With more than 490,000 views on her video, Ashleigh Jade alias @dysfunctionalmummy, did not leave Internet users indifferent with her surprising methods! She explains that her children pay for everything the adults buy: the telephone, the WIFI, the subscription to Netflix… but it didn’t stop there, they also pay food and water bills. One thing is certain, at the announcement of this news, the children weren’t really enthusiastic about the idea!

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They keep their accounts in a notebook

The mother does not leave her children without help. On the contrary, she gives them a notebook so that they can write down the bills to be paid, but above all on what date it must be paid! Ashleigh Jade is uncompromising on this subject: “If they don’t pay, they don’t have access. If they don’t pay their internet bill, I change the Wi-Fi password so they don’t have Wi-Fi anymore.” The announcement did not necessarily go well for the children: When I told them they had to pay for the food, some of them felt like crying and when I explained to them that it was fake money and they had nothing to do, I was just going to give them the money and they were just going to give it back to me, they were still very upset because they had to spend that money to have access to everything.”

But the mother sees the positive side in this story: “Since that day, things have changed a lot. They’re so much more mindful of where they put their stuff, they really pay more attention to things.” And she thought of everything: the children pay for what they use and what they need, nothing else! In the comments, Internet users were found to be rather in agreement with Ashleigh Jade’s idea: “It will definitely help them in the real world, it’s such a great idea.” or : “It’s an amazing idea, I’ll keep it in mind for when my son is older.”

Parenting writer

Zoé is on a work-study program, she joined the aufeminin team in September 2022, she writes for the parenting section. Committed and curious, Zoé likes to write to advance…

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