This mom reveals this life-saving habit she repeats every morning after dropping the kids off at school

Mom’s full-time job is far from easy. Between stress, mental load, various responsibilities and personal concerns, it is not always easy to find time for yourself and take a real break. Although there is no magic recipe, certain tips are nevertheless very useful on a daily basis. Here’s one that can help you release pressure regularly!

Although motherhood is an extraordinary adventure, it is not always easy to stay the course and resist the pressure of everyday life. Busy days leave little time to relax and one in three mothers suffer from exhaustion according to the latest studies. To avoid maternal burnout, an increasingly common syndrome, it is appropriate to take some preventive measures. It is essential not to let fatigue set in.

However, taking a break is far from easy due to the frenetic pace of everyday life, the demands of productivity at work, and the days that pass at lightning speed. Result: many mothers break down, victims of real physical and psychological exhaustion. To escape this syndrome, it is vital to take at least one real break per day.

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A useful tip from a mother

Mother of four, Jamie recently explained in Business insider that she couldn’t find time for herself because she was constantly overworked. But it wasn’t until her third child, when she started taking her children to school by car, thatshe realized, by chance, that she could take a break very simply… in her car. And you can do the same!

Once she drops her kids off at school, or after bringing them home, she stays in her car calmly. JI’ve learned to savor those quiet, unexpected moments in the car, whether they’re a few minutes or an hour. This time has become sacred to me and I enjoy moving peacefully from one activity to the next. I desperately needed even a little quiet time.. They made me a better mom, less exhausted, more focused and a happier person.”

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Other tips for relaxing

To be less stressed on a daily basis, it is important to take a break from your mommy activity and focus on something simple. Beyond a break in the car where you can read a book, for example, a little coloring session when your children are doing their homework can help you relieve the pressure. It’s proven that all manual work of this type, such as pottery or knitting, has an anti-stress effect..

Another idea, to put an end to the apnea side of moments of pressure, where you have the impression of having “the breath taken away”, sing! Even if you think you’re singing out of tune, it doesn’t matter. You will thus reactivate your respiratory system which will oxygenate your body. At the same time, you will be more joyful because youou will release the hormones of pleasure thanks to this light activity.

News journalist

A true jack-of-all-trades, passionate about travel, culture, society, people and beauty, Saliha writes for various media such as Escapade magazine, the GEOguide collection by Gallimard, Le Figaro…

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