this moment worthy of a horror movie that scared the netizens

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Even a well-organized ceremony like the coronation of Charles III can hold surprises. Starting with an unexpected moment that surprised internet users a lot.

The passage is furtive, but striking. This Saturday, May 6, Charles III and his wife, Camilla, were crowned at Westminster Abbey in London. But before the royal couple arrives in the building, an appearance particularly surprised those who followed the event broadcast on television. On Twitter, a user posted a short passage showing the king’s guards, dressed in their red uniforms, entering the abbey in line. Just after they pass, a dark, hooded figure, spear in hand, crosses the landing of the building in the background.

Some internet users immediately made the connection with mower, this incarnation of death which, in the collective imagination, looks exactly like the appearance in the video. Others joked comparing her to Darth Vader, the saga’s iconic villain. Star Warsor to Ghostface, the serial killer of the movies Scream parodying the image of the Grim Reaper with her disguise. Still others have seen the ghost of Diana come to take revenge, or of Elizabeth II claiming her crown. But who was hiding under this long black cape? Contacted by the media NewsweekWestminster Abbey lifted the veil on the identity of the silhouette: it would be a beadle, an employee of the abbey who is not part of the clergy.

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A fence hit by a horse

Other moments may have scared people who attended the coronation. As the carriage carrying the royal couple passed down the street in Whitehall, followed by Princess Anne on her mount, several horses proved recalcitrant. One of them at the back of the procession backed up until it hit a barrier. Servicemen rushed to rescue the public with a stretcher, thankfully without needing to use it, according to British media, no one was injured – let alone… broke.


Passionate about writing, Floréane is interested in a wide variety of subjects. When she’s not writing about current events, the environment or gender issues, she takes refuge under a blanket…

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