This mother found an unstoppable trick to clean the house without being interrupted by her children

Trying to get your house in order when the kids are around is sometimes mission impossible. So, on Instagram, this mother unveiled her parade.

Keeping your home in order when you have a child is not easy, especially when the child is young. The frantic pace and the incessant interruptions of our darlings often slow us down, even pushing us to postpone household chores. When the children are older, it is of course possible to introduce them to housework to get help on a daily basis, but also to make them gain autonomy. But when they are still in diapers, cleaning can be a daunting task. Aware of these problems that many parents may encounter, Gabrielle Lynn Dunn, mother of two, revealed her original trick to solve this problem.

In a short video, the mother of the family thus showed that she placed her child in ane large cardboard box for half an hour, with, at his disposal, many colored pencils. Result: the little one is busy draw on the sides of the box, when his parents take care of putting order in the house, while watching their offspring out of the corner of their eye. A tip that did not fail to make Internet users react! β€œMy mother used to do this with me and my brother when we were children. We would glue several boxes together and spend hours making a house, then when she had cooked dinner she would bring it to us for us to eat from the boxes.”, thus rebounded one of them. β€œFor those who say it boosts their desire to write on the walls, you should trust your kids’ intelligence a little more. Trust me”, cursed another.

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Household and toddler: how to find the right equation?

It is certain that thethe arrival of a child disrupts the organization of a home. So, to get by at home, it is essential to find new tricks to simplify the task and save time on the storage side. Before the arrival of a new member in the family, take the opportunity to clean up so that you only keep the essentials. bet on practical storage, like bins and chests, which will be your greatest allies! Also, when the baby arrives, avoid embarking on a major spring cleaning that will last hours, and focus on working piece by piece. Finally, if you can, do not hesitate to delegate some of your household chores to a relative or a professional.


Curious, Anastasia has a malleable pen. Society, culture, lifestyle, politics, women’s rights… Committed, Anastasia likes to dissect the news from all angles to deliver the substance…

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