This mother’s simple and poetic tip for telling her children the truth about Santa Claus: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

We only talk about him anymore. As the end-of-year holidays approach, Santa Claus and the gifts his sleigh will carry are at the heart of our family discussions with the youngest. And for good reason, this Santa Claus, we see him everywhere: on television, in stores, in toy catalogs… And yet, it is also the moment when, as they grow up, children begin to wonder about his existence. For parents, answering this question is a very delicate matter: should you be 100% honest and down-to-earth, or remain vague and leave doubts lingering? A mother found a nice way to perpetuate the magic of Christmas, without having to lie to her child.

His trick for telling the truth about Santa Claus goes around the world

On his Facebook profile, Charity Hutchinson shared Leslie Rush’s tip for telling her kids the truth about Santa without breaking their hearts. And for several years, his story has made the rounds on the web. Here it is: teach them that there is not one and only Santa Claus, but several, and that they too will become one.

This is by far the best idea I’ve seen about telling your kids about Santa. Had to share! *********”In our family, we…

Posted by Charity Hutchinson we Tuesday, November 29, 2016

In this way, the notion of Santa Claus is no longer based on a lie but on a series of good deeds accomplished in the spirit of the end-of-year holidays.“, she explains on the social network.

In practice, this is what the mother suggests saying to a doubting child:

“You have grown enormously this year. Physically, but also in your heart. [Donnez deux ou trois exemples de situations où l’enfant a fait preuve d’empathie, tenu compte des sentiments d’autrui, fait une bonne action, etc., cette année]. Besides, your heart is so big that I think you’re ready to become a Santa Claus. You’ve probably realized that most of the Santas you see are just people dressed up like him. Friends may have told you that Santa Claus doesn’t exist. A lot of kids say that because they aren’t ready to BE a Santa yet. You, yes. Tell me what you like about Santa Claus. What does he gain by making all the children happy? (…). I think the time has come to accept YOUR first Santa mission!”

The mother then asks the child to choose a person and try to guess what they want without arousing suspicion. The goal is then to offer him in a pretty gift package, without ever being spotted: “He must never reveal that he is the author of the gift. A Santa Claus does not do things to be thanked, it is a generous and selfless act.”

Quite naturally, this ingenious mother’s children began playing Santa Claus for years, bringing happiness to their loved ones and to people in need. A great way to teach them generosity by avoiding disappointment.

Read also :

⋙ Should we make children believe that Santa Claus exists? The specialist’s response

⋙ He still believes in Santa Claus, so what?

⋙ Taking advantage of Christmas to help him stop using the pacifier, is it really a good idea?

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