This new financial aid will concern all French people

From October 2023, the French will be able to benefit from new financial aid likely to interest more than one. This boost from the state aims to reduce the cost of repairs to clothing and shoes. Explanations.

While the country is hit by a major period of inflation affecting the purchasing power of the French, several exceptional or recurring aids allow the poorest to get their heads above water in these difficult times. This is particularly the case for holiday vouchers or the back-to-school allowance (ARS) which allow eligible households to limit their expenses. It should be noted that this boost intended for parents of pupils has been the subject of a recent increase.

From October 2023, new financial aid is to be introduced to help combat the rising cost of living. Good news: all French people are eligible for this state aid. Presented by Bérangère Couillard, Secretary of State for Ecology, this repair bonus aims to help households pay less for the repair of their clothes. Enough to allow families to reduce the bill for repairs to shoes, jeans, sweaters and other clothing in order to increase their lifespan.

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A list of labeled merchants

“There will be a list of labeled shops. Which will make it possible to pay for the repairs of his clothes and shoes cheaper »confides Bérangère Couillard to our colleagues A device that is reminiscent of that intended for electronic devices, the amount of which has also been increased. Open to all French people, the system does not require any action on the part of the citizens.

Indeed, the government specifies that this bonus is directly displayed on the price list of textile service providers. Thus, there is no advance fee to be made. “You have a heel to be repaired on your shoe, it normally costs 20 euros, there, you will only have 13 euros to pay”, summarizes Bérangère Couillard’s cabinet at the microphone of our colleagues. The amount of aid is between 6 and 25 euros, depending on the repair needed. And to help consumers see clearly, the prices before and after the bonus will be clearly displayed on the labels.

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The system is financed by a fund of 154 million euros over six years, subsidized by the eco-contribution on textile products and footwear. The collection of this financial contribution which is added to the sale price is ensured by the organization Refashion also responsible for the census of labeled merchants. Registration with the label is free, we assure the government. Enough to allow as many businesses as possible to join the list.

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