This new LinkedIn feature helps you stand out from the crowd, here’s how

If you’ve ever been looking for a job, you know that no matter how many positions you apply for, there will always be jobs that seem more interesting to you than others. A new LinkedIn feature allows you to share this with the employer of your dreams.

Four months ago, LinkedIn announced the launch of a “Top Choice” feature that would allow candidates to let employers know that the position they are applying for is their preferred job, meaning the one they really want.

This week, LinkedIn is finally rolling out its new feature to all LinkedIn Premium subscribers, according to a few press reports.


Sabrina Ortiz/ZDNET

A limit of three times per month

“Premium subscribers who applied to LinkedIn job openings using Top Choice Jobs are on average 43% more likely to receive a message from a recruiter,” said Ora Levit, senior director of product management at LinkedIn.

To activate this feature, candidates subscribed to LinkedIn Premium simply check the “Top Choice” box under the “upload CV” option in “Apply easily” on LinkedIn.

Below the check mark is a field for users to explain why this tool is their best choice, which will be shared with the employer.

To prevent users from pressing “Top Choice” on every application in hopes of standing out, LinkedIn limits the number of times users can use the button, with a limit of three times per month.

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