this OCD which consists of scratching the skin for hours, causes and solutions

Dermatillomania is an OCD that is characterized by the compulsive and repetitive need to crush the skin. How to recognize this mental disorder? Who to consult? What are solutions and treatments? We tell you everything.

They can’t help it as soon as they come across their reflection in a mirror. Very often, they do it in the evening, out of sight and it can last for hours. “This disorder consists of excessive and repeated crushing and scratching of the skinwhich can induce self-perpetuating lesions“, explains Alexandra Lecart, psychologist specializing in dermatillomania, also called “skin picking” in English. In 2013, doctors recognized a mental and physical pathology as OCD, an obsessive compulsive disorder. Although finally recognized by the “Manual diagnosis and statistics of mental disorders”, this disorder is little studied and therefore treated, in the same way as trichotillomania, compulsive hair pulling.

Dermatillomania affects about 1% of the population, mostly women. If this body-focused repetitive behavior (CRCC) develops frequently in adolescence, it would not be linked to the appearance of the first acne pimples. This means that this pathology can be triggered at any age and in people who have never had any particular skin problems.

What are the causes and symptoms of dermatillomania?

In times of crisis, a person suffering from this OCD scratches and triturates the skin of the face impulsively and excessively. Obsessed with pores, pimples, eczemadermatillomaniacs scratch until their face is red and puffy.

This disorder is often the visible result of internal tensions. It can also testify to a lack of self-esteem, anxiety, depression, boredom, loneliness or emotional malaise. It is rare for the person affected by dermatillomania to know that their emotions are driving them to subject their skin to such shocks.

How to treat dermatillomania?

If you tend to scratch your body, I advise you to wear more covering clothes, long sleeves, tights“, explains Camille, ex-dermatillomaniac. Similarly, if you tend to scratch your skin in your bathroom or in the mirror of your entrance, install anti-stress objects to occupy your hands and avoid touching yourself. the skin.

You can also apply a very greasy cream on the skin or hydrocolloid patches on the imperfections or pimples that will act as a deterrent and make us less want to scratch our skin“explains the influencer. It is also possible to wear false nails or put bandages on your fingertips to limit wounds and skin lesions. However, the best help to stop this OCD is to talk to a psychologist.

Which specialist to consult to stop scratching?

As with all mental disorders and OCDs, it is necessary to be accompanied by a psychiatrist (reimbursed by social security, editor’s note) or a psychologist (not reimbursed). These pathologies are very often independent of the will and demand therapy and attentive listening. Other complementary care such as alternative medicine can help you if you feel the need, such as a supplement.

It is essential to be followed by a dermatologist, who can direct you to soothing and healing products and offer you a healthier and more balanced diet. Doing sports, meditation or relaxation is also a good way to relax and release anger and stress.

How to help someone who suffers from dermatillomania?

To help a person who suffers from episodes of dermatillomania, nothing should be done. More precisely, you have to let things happen, explains the Center for Integrative Therapies and New Technologies. The more a third person will point out to the dermatillomaniac that he “failed” not to scratch, the stronger the feeling of shame and anger will be.The main help, for any psychological suffering, is listening, kindness and non-judgment.says the Center for Integrative Therapies and New Technologies.

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