This “old-fashioned” method is very effective in ensuring the safety of children, according to a mother

Katie, a mother of three, explained her method for ensuring their safety in an article published on the Scary Mommy website on November 10. A very effective method.

Ensuring the safety of children can sometimes become a source of concern for parents. Worried, some do not hesitate to track them or track them down via geolocation applications to make sure nothing happened to them. Katie, a mother of three living in Maine, spoke to the site Scary Mommy. She then explained his method “old” very effective in ensuring the safety of children.

I know that many parents track their children using sophisticated applications. Me, I have a rule that is quite simple, straightforward, and almost old school: we text each other”, declared the mother. “My kids send me a text on their phone when they leave the house and another once they arrive at their destination. That’s enough for me, but it’s not negotiable, it’s an obligation”, she clarified. Before her children had a cell phone to be able to warn her, she then contacted their friends’ parents if they spent the night at their house.

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An effective method and “old”

So as soon as they got their phones, Katie’s kids had to respect a condition so that they can spend the night with friends: “they had to give news. “If they decided to stay after school to watch a football game, they had to let me know via text firstshe explained. If their plans changed and they wanted to go somewhere else, they had to text me.” une condition which initially annoyed his children somewhat.

“They told me to check their location on SnapChat instead, the only app I don’t know”, said Katie. A practice that is not enough for him. For her, he is completely different to get news from your children by messages than via an application. “I know how common tracking apps are for children and teens since almost every parent I know uses one. But kids can drop their phones or, God forbid, something may happen to them while they are on their way to go somewhere. An app can tell me where they are, but it’s far from the same as hearing from my kids when they arrive at work or a friend’s house”, she clarified.

A method based on trust between parents and children and Who “can quickly become a habitaccording to the mother. Since according to her, “sending a text message takes about ten seconds”. “It’s so important in this day and age to let at least one person know where you are and when you expect to be home. I hate to admit it, but it’s our reality”, she regretted. “I could be more aggressive and track them, but I think a simpler approach is better”, she then admitted.

If her children called her mother “overprotective” and if some people think that his way of doing things “is too demanding”, she is convinced that this is the method to follow as a mother. “My children now know what to do and no longer complain. And I think deep down they like knowing that I need to hear from them when they get somewhere. It has become instinctive for all of us, and it gives us a certain peace of mind”, she concluded.

Pauline has been writing for the Auféminin site for many months now. She enjoys deciphering current events as much as telling the latest stories about your favorite people. When she’s not looking…

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