this personality who dares to criticize him


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As head of state, Emmanuel Macron commands respect. However, like every human being, he sometimes makes mistakes. To improve, he can count on the frankness of this personality who dares to say things to his face, and it’s not Brigitte Macron!

To lead the country with a masterful hand, Emmanuel Macron can count on the support of his ministers. Naturally, the Head of State is also surrounded by many professionals, including some specialists in public speaking. The President of the Republic typically knows who to contact when you have questions. For all that concerns his emotions, his doubts, and his feelings of all kinds, it is to his wife Brigitte Macron that he turns.

She brings him the love, support and comfort he needs. When the Head of State wonders about his attitude in public, his way of expressing himself is on another of his relatives that he can count. Indeed, as revealed The Expressif there is indeed one “don’t hesitate to stand up to him and tell him his four truths without flattering him”it’s good Richard Ferrand, former President of the National Assembly.

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Richard Ferrand, his valuable advice to Emmanuel Macron

Frank by nature, and above all sincere towards Emmanuel MacronRichard Ferrand would be one of the few to advise the Head of State on his image, “on his arrogance” and on “its nebulosity”as revealed by our colleagues. “How many times have we heard him whisper to the President: ‘There, it must be said, your speech, nobody understood anything'”, they point out. Long before Elisabeth Borne was announced as Prime Minister, there were many rumors that Richard Ferrand could have been chosen for this post by the President of the Republic. During an interview at Paris Matea.m., May 5, 2022, Richard Ferrand quickly put an end to this possibility. One of his relatives later added “that he did not want this life”.

Marjorie Raynaud

A true jack-of-all-trades, Marjorie can both talk about the royal family and the latest series… What she likes is telling facts, deciphering the smallest details…

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