this plant in full bloom repels parasites (an ideal combination for rose bushes)

Those with a green thumb know that there are plant combinations that are beneficial for your garden. And here is which flower to plant next to rose bushes to protect them from pests.

Some plants go perfectly together in gardens! Indeed, certain plants will play a role fertilizer for other plants or even repel certain parasites. If you plan to start gardening, it is advisable to keep these combinations in mind in order to have a beautiful, healthy garden. And if you have rose bushes in your garden or intend to plant them, be careful to rose powdery mildew.

Unfortunately, rose bushes are often prey to fungal diseases, particularly “powdery mildew (white thatching on leaves), marsonia (black spots), rust (orange pustules), botrytis (gray mold on flowers) and root rot (Phytophthora, black, soft roots)”, as the media reminds us Fashions and Works. All of these diseases that attack rose bushes cause defoliation, wilting and even death of rose bushes.

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Ornamental garlic to protect rose bushes

But the good news is that there are natural tips to protect rose bushes from these fungi and parasites. In fact, you can plant ornamental garlic to protect your rose bushes. The best known varieties of ornamental garlic are Allium aflatunense And Allium giganteum. These plants appear in the form of large flowering balls of mauve, purple or purple color at the start of the season. From an aesthetic point of view, ornamental garlic will look great next to your rose bushes.

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But the advantage of such an association is above all to protect the rose bushes from diseases caused by fungi such as powdery mildew. Powdery mildew causes white felting on the leaves and marsonia, better known as black spot disease, causes, as its name suggests, black spots on the leaves of rose bushes. But “thanks to its protective properties, ornamental garlic contributes to maintain the health and beauty of your rose bushes throughout the growing season, ensuring a thriving, disease-resistant garden”, explain Fashions and Works.

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Associations to know for the garden

If ornamental garlic helps rose bushes fight against diseases, there are many beneficial associations to be aware of in the garden. For example, lavender is ideal for protecting white or pink lilies. Generally speaking, lavender is recommended near spring or summer flowering bulbs. In fact, its smell repels small rodents which might be tempted to nibble onions.

For the vegetable garden, aromatic herbs such as thyme, rosemary, mint or basil are perfectly indicated. These protect dirty tomatoes, zucchini, etc. because they keep aphids and ants away. Gardeners’ tip: mix several species with vegetables because diversity keeps pests away. Moreover, marigolds are known to repel insects including nematodes.

Passionate about women’s news, Agathe has been deciphering the latest trends for aufeminin since 2022. Her favorite areas? Psychology, nutrition and well-being advice, without forgetting the tips…

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