this popular character will no longer be the same, it divides

One of the characters from FF7 Rebirth is currently at the heart of many discussions. For good reason, change is expected, and some fans are worried.

FF7 Rebirth is probably as anticipated as it is feared. We are still talking about the sequel to the Final Fantasy 7 Remake remake. One that not only tweaked the graphics and gameplay, but also the story. Fans are wondering if there will be big changes in this new opus, and we know that will be the case. This has been confirmed multiple times by the creators of the game, so there is no room for doubt. One of the characters will also be entitled to some modifications, and that scares a handful of players.

WARNING, the following article includes SPOILERS concerning FF7 Remake and Final Fantasy 7 (the original). You have been warned.

FF7 Rebirth is now attacking Vincent

Fans of the original remember Vincent Valentine, the former member of the Turks who becomes a valuable ally to Cloud and his gang. He is also the main character of the spin-off Dirge of Cerberus. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is one of the public’s favorites. His big return is long overdue, and obviously, we are going to have some news about him. It’s even safe, since it was stated by Yoshinori Kitase and Naoki Hamaguchi, respectively the producer and director of the FF7 revival.

It was during an interview for the Final Fantasy Dream website that our two men spoke about Vincent, among others. Our colleagues told them that the players were chanting the character’s name, to which Kitase responded: “ You were able to discover him in the Rebirth trailer, but what’s interesting is that now he can talk, and we’re going to discover all his facets. I think you’re going to discover some very interesting things about him in FFVII Rebirth “.

Clearly, there is upheaval in the air, despite a lack of precision on the part of the producer. Remember that in 1997’s FF7, Valentine was an optional, hidden character who never appeared in the cutscenes. Will this change? Maybe, and that worries some fans who don’t like to deal with harsh edits. As in 2020, when Final Fantasy VII Remake was released, the community found itself divided. And it will still be when the game arrives here on February 29, 2024.

Vincent Valentine

The return of another character?

At the same time, Kitase was asked about a potential return of Genesis, one of the main antagonists of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. “ I can’t tell you anything about Genesis (laughs) “. His response was rather short, but it has the merit of being clear. We’re not going to start interpreting his laughter as a confession, but nonetheless, it’s a relevant question. For good reason, it joins what had already been said by the director of this FF7.

Syears providing big spoilers again, besides Zack, who was not in the original but who will make an appearance here, there will be other characters from the FF7 spin-offs who will appear in Rebirth.

It could very well refer to Genesis or Angeal. The possibilities are not endless, and we know that there will be a “big surprise” in FF7 Rebirth. Seeing Zack again is already one, but it doesn’t necessarily concern him. Theories are going well, and this intervention by the producer towards Vincent will surely give them more material. In any case, the mystery around this sequel is thickening, and we can’t wait to get our hands on it.

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