this popular sequence will disappear, be careful of the shock

A famous sequence from Final Fantasy VII will not be present in FF7 Rebirth. And that might not please some fans who don’t like change.

We’re almost at the end of January, and you know what that means. We are going to begin the month of February which marks the release of FF7 Rebirth. Yes, we talk a lot about the sequel to the 2020 remake, but it must be said that it is the talk of the town. What will change from the original? That’s the big question burning on fans’ lips. And precisely, on this subject, we have just learned that a very specific sequence from the 1997 game was not going to be present here.

WARNING, the following article includes SPOILERS concerning FF7 Remake and Final Fantasy 7 (the original). You have been warned.

FF7 Rebirth says no to snowboarding

This sequel has the advantage of not remaining in the shadows. Regularly, Naoki Hamaguchi, the director of FF7 Rebirth, takes part in interviews to talk about the game. Very often, he has juicy information to give us, without ever going into detail. In short, he knows how to make fans’ mouths water. However, he recently made an announcement that surprised many. A mini-game well known to players of the original will not be available upon release. This is the one where you snowboard.

Our man made this revelation during an interview for Game Informer. He was asked 129 questions in quick succession, and his goal was to give a short answer as quickly as possible. A fun concept that allowed us to learn more about this famous sequence. Will she be in FF7 Rebirth? Here is his response: “in Rebirth, there is no snowboarding”. Will longtime fans absorb the shock? This is clearly a big blow, and some people will have a hard time swallowing the pill.

We exaggerate the line a little for humor, but there is a reason behind this decision. This scene follows a terrible event which should serve as the end point for FF7 Rebirth, before leaving room for the conclusion in a third opus. If you know the story, we are indeed talking about Aerith’s death. So, it wouldn’t really fit the mood. In itself, it is not excluded to rewatch the mini-game at the start of 3. But for the sequel which arrives on February 29, it is better to forget.

An image of the sequence with the snowboard in the original

Not everything has changed

So yes, seen like that, the fans’ fears are not ready to calm down. What else will Square Enix change in FF7 Rebirth? We already know that Zack is back, instead of having died in Crisis Core. He won’t be the only one. That said, the studio will keep a mini-game, that of CPR (or RCP in French, Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation). The latter was deemed “strange” or “out of place” on numerous occasions, but Hamaguchi validated his presence in the sequel. In passing, he clarified that they “modified it slightly”. We’ll soon see what it’s all about.

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