This processor could revolutionize computers, here’s why

The Japanese firm Premo unveils the prototype of a unique processor in the world. Its operation heralds a revolution for many sectors of activity.

Wireless CPU
Premo’s processor works wirelessly / Credits: Premo

No computer without processor. Of course, other components are needed to make the machine work, but the CPU is one of those we often hear about. Manufacturers and researchers are working tirelessly to offer new models. Some are resolutely focused on artificial intelligence, while others are directly created with human brain cells.

The Japanese firm Premo reveals a New kind of CPU. A world first at the stage of a commercial prototype, therefore well advanced, the principle of which potentially opens the way to a new era for PCs. We think in particular of what concerns their assembly and their evolution over time, but not only that. If the technology in question becomes the norm, it can be said without exaggeration that itwill change the face of many sectors of activity requiring the use of a machine with a processor.

This processor, which operates uniquely in the world, heralds a revolution for PCs, among others

To function, a processor must be physically connected to a motherboard by cables. But not this one. The Japanese company has developed a Wireless CPU. To achieve this feat, she collaborated with the Irie-Kadomoto laboratory at the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology at the University of Tokyo on the development of the technology Dualibus.

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It is based on the principle of magnetic field coupling. It is he who allows the chip to communicate with others without being connected to it. Premo believes that its processor can be used in consumer devices (computer for example), but also in vehicles and more generally anything that requires a processor without necessarily being able to accommodate a traditional model. In fact, it allows “[…] miniaturization of chip size and […] smaller, more flexible device shapes“. The only downside that the company intends to erase is that for the moment, the wireless CPU must be supplied with energy via a wired connection.

Source: Premo

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