This revolutionary battery has an incredible lifespan, but not only

The Chinese company Eve Energy has just unveiled a brand new lithium-ion battery with a lifespan of up to 12,000 charge cycles. But this is not its only advantage, since the latter also displays a reduced cost, which could be reflected in the price of the batteries which will be equipped with it.

Tesla Megapack, for illustration

As the electric car market continues to grow, they continue to evolve. Manufacturers and equipment suppliers are multiplying innovations, whether around on-board technologies such as autonomous driving or batteries.

A long lifespan

And for good reason, autonomy still remains a subject of fear for many motorists, even if we know that this is often erroneous reasoning. This is particularly why manufacturers often install big batteries under the floor of their electric cars, which not only has advantages, as we explained in a previous article. In addition to consumption, the financial aspect must also be taken into account.

Because a battery represents around 40% of the total price of an electric car, and it is therefore essential for brands to do everything to reduce its cost. And that’s why, the Chinese firm Eve Energy has just unveiled its latest innovation, which could be a game-changer. But what is it really about? We explain everything about this revolutionary new battery.

The latter is known under the name LF560K and adopts Cell to TWh (CTT) technology, designed to optimize energy storage with reduced costs. And this using fewer components than a standard battery. But what is the specificity of this new innovation from the Chinese company? Well the latter displays a particularly long lifespan, since it can reach 12,000 charge/discharge cycles.

Which can really change the situation, since the lifespan of the accumulator is also a criterion to take into account when purchasing an electric car, given its cost. Especially since we know that fast charging used too often and without precaution can prematurely damage the battery, forcing the owner to replace it. Which can quickly become very expensive.

A low price

This new battery adopts LFP (lithium – iron – phosphate) chemistry and has a capacity of 560 Ah, all in a relatively small size. This makes it possible to display a more reasonable weight, but also to lower costs. And for good reason, this new accumulator requires 47% fewer components than the previous LF280K and can store 6.5% more energy according to the company press release: up to 1,792 kWh!

And this even if we know that the density of this type of battery is lower than that of a NMC pack (nickel – manganese – cobalt), which however costs more. Suffice it to say that this new battery has many advantages, and should help manufacturers who equip themselves with it to compete with Tesla. The manufacturer indicates that its Model S only loses 12% of capacity after approximately 321,800 kilometers. This was confirmed by a copy approaching 2 million kilometers.

However, we will have to wait before seeing this new battery designed by Eve Energy arrive in a production car. In fact, the first deliveries are planned for the 2nd quarter of 2024. But be careful, because this new battery is dedicated to stationary energy storage : the famous batteries, like Tesla’s Megapack. 12,000 cycles could translate to around 30 years of lifespan. It is enormous !

However, remember that the Chinese company also markets batteries intended for electric cars. BMW has signed an agreement with Eve Energy for its next electric 3 Series. The German firm should use its cylindrical batteries for its cars based on the Neue Klasse platform. Enough to allow them to recharge in just 12 minutes. A few months earlier, the Chinese company CALB also unveiled its accumulator capable of lasting more than 25 years and not suffering any degradation during the first 1,000 cycles.

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