this sign experiences a romantic upheaval in mid-October (a choice is necessary)

An astrological sign could experience an upheaval in their love life in October. He will have to make a choice!

Life as a couple is different for everyone and goes through different stages of commitment. For some, marriage is synonymous with a strong commitment, for others, it has no value… Traditionally, marriage constitutes a important step in a relationship because it commits both parties to loving each other for life (ideally of course). Some signs are more inclined to want to get married than others. This is the case of Bull, who is not afraid of commitment. This earth sign is really attached to this type of proof of love: for him, marriage is the ultimate commitment. Very loyal, marriage is almost essential for him. Conversely, Sagittarius has more difficulty committing, just like Aquarius, because they value their freedom. Often, they want to be able to live without attachment if they wish…

The sign that might want to get married in October is Aries. This fire sign will have the irrepressible desire to say “yes” to their other half to live their life by their side. “If Venus worked hard this summer and brought clarity to your heart, now is the time to reap the fruits of that work,” indicates Annalisa Angelucci, astrologer for aufeminin. Aries wants to improve their life and be happy. This happiness can be linked to someone in their life. “The numerous transits in Libra, in addition to the desire and the need to be together (and in any case not alone) could encourage the desire to legalize certain situations. The arrival of Mercury on the 5th encourages this possibility and makes it feasible: talk about it with your partner.” But Aries can also want to end a relationship… It’s a double-edged sword.

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Love or breakup, Aries experiences a double-edged month

If Aries may want to get married, they may also have a revelation and realize that their relationship no longer suits them. “Judicial decisions (I am thinking of the pronouncement of a divorce or the formalization of a court decision) are more than possible”, warns the astrologer. Aries can make an important decision during the New Moon in Libra on the 14th, as the energies are favorable for it. “A few days before, around the 11th, the direct return of Pluto and the opposition of the Sun to Chiron which is in your sign, can signal the need to end a relationship if it hurts or if it is worn out otherwise no rebirth future is not possible in love.” Aries has been warned and he must make a choice!

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Maude deciphers all the new fashion trends, whether on social networks or on the catwalks. She takes pleasure in selecting the new nuggets to obtain, the…

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