this sign will have a great romantic encounter in May

The month of May allows an astrological sign to have a very beautiful romantic encounter. Everything is going well on the heart side!

Not all astrological signs are equal when it comes to the energies of the month of May. If everyone is more or less advantaged by the arrival of this spring month (and by the end of Mercury’s retrograde), some signs are luckier than others. On the financial side, it is Pisces who seems the most encouraged, and this does him good because he is not usually very thrifty. In terms of health, Gemini is the luckiest. Indeed, this air sign is in good shape and he is ready to take on new challenges: things are finally changing for him.

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One of the luckiest signs of this month is the Taurus, quite simply because it is the astro sign in the spotlight ! This member of the zodiacal wheel is particularly faithful, but also good-natured. Taurus, a very materialistic sign, refuses nothing. He likes beautiful things and he likes beautiful places: he can go to fancy restaurants without any problem. It is very encouraged in May, but it is not the most advantageous sign in love. It’s Cancer who is very lucky when it comes to his heart!

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Cancer has great romantic encounters in May

Cancer is one of the luckiest astro signs in love, notably thanks to the presence of Venus in Taurus. This sign with an artichoke heart is delighted! Cancer, usually a little shy, goes out a lot and every opportunity is good for him because he can meet very nice people. He meets people who intrigue him. If these relationships do not bring passion, they bring much more to Cancer: they can become real support, a complicity that is priceless… He can also have the opportunity to see a person from the past again and Cancer may develop feelings towards her.

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Cancer feels surrounded. If he makes new friends, he may still feel a great sexual desire towards them. This feeling can be shared and lead to great chemistry and a possible serious relationship. Cancer will not be disappointed by their possible options: they feel loved and safe and that is often what they want.

Other lucky astro signs in love in May

Scorpio is one of the luckiest astro signs on the heart side of the month of May. Scorpio wants to get involved with their loved one, however, it is not easy for them to do so. Two conjunctions, first with Uranus then with Jupiter, generate multiple romantic opportunities if Scorpio is not in a relationship. The sextile with Neptune is like an invitation to love. This water sign feels ready to love and be loved.

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Aries is also very advantaged in love by the month of May, after a complicated month of April in this sector. Mars in the sign of Aries will bring him courage, that of launching into a serious relationship if he wants to. He lets go of fleeting conquests to concentrate on a relationship that is richer and more interesting for him. He can only be happy and fulfilled by this decision!

Fashion, Lifestyle, Astro Journalist

Maude deciphers all the new fashion trends, whether on social networks or on the catwalks. She takes pleasure in selecting the new nuggets to obtain, the…

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