this sign will have a great romantic encounter this weekend of October 28, 2023

The last weekend of October is marked by an important event: the Full Moon on October 28, 2023. A sign could lead to a very beautiful romantic encounter.

The weekend of October 28, 2023 is the last of the month. It is particularly intense because it is marked by a very important event: a Full Moon. The latter takes place on Saturday October 28 at 10:55 p.m. This is a Full Moon in the sign of Taurus, an earth sign. Thus, each sign will want to settle down, slow down the pace, but also concentrate on the essentials. This event has an impact on each of the astrological signs. For some, it is synonymous with questioning, for others with revelation… In short, it resonates in each member of the zodiacal wheel. This weekend, one of them will even be able to have a great romantic encounter. Who is it ? From Capricorn, an earth sign, the rarest of the zodiac.

This particularly ambitious sign is experiencing this weekend as a renewal, even if he has self-confidence problems. “Some Capricorns during the month may be bothered by fear of the opinions of others”, says Annalisa Angelucci, astrologer for aufeminin. If Capricorn feels the need to have someone close to him to feel truly satisfied, he should try to determine this intention during the New Moon on the 14th, “then let the magic happen. And who knows, maybe already with the Full Moon in Taurus on the 28th, something concrete will happen.” Capricorn could reap the rewards of his requests to the Moon and he could therefore make a beautiful romantic encounter, which would allow him to regain confidence in himself.

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These astrological signs are going to have a good weekend on October 28

Other signs will have a very good weekend thanks in particular to the Full Moon in Taurus. This is the case of Aquarius for example: “The Full Moon focuses on home (real estate) and family: these are the sectors in which an answer could arrive”, indicates the astrologer. Thus, Aquarius will have good news and could move forward on real estate projects… The sign of Sagittarius is also advantaged by the Full Moon: “It opens your eyes to what others can or really want to bring to you.” So, he can take advantage of this weekend to surround himself well and sort out his relationships. Finally, Virgo could have a wonderful weekend which will bring her some pep, even though she may seem a little depressed… “The Full Moon of October 28 could have a surprise in store for you that will restore your faith and optimism.” For her, the wheel turns!

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