this sign will have a very good end of December

The month of December is almost over! Before celebrating the new year, certain astrological signs will experience a superb end of the month.

December is the last month of the year. It is also a month that highlights Sagittarius, a sign with a bright and adventurous personality. This fire sign is particularly compatible with Gemini, who shares its lightness and humor. If Sagittarius had a good month of December, others had difficulty adapting, especially at the beginning of the month. It is true that December was not easy. A New Moon correlated with the retrograde of Mercury on December 13, 2023, a Full Moon on December 27 in Cancer… December 22 also saw the winter solstice, an important moment which also marks the entry into the Capricorn season , an earth sign. “Capricorn is a cardinal sign, that is to say a pivot, an axis on which the door which opens to the winter season turns. It arrives with the winter solstice (around December 22 or 23) which symbolizes the return of light”says Annalisa Angelucci, astrologer for aufeminin.

Logically, Capricorn will therefore have a very good end to the month of December: “Everything may seem simpler towards the end of the month with the Sun in your sign and Jupiter which, returning directly to the sector of love, will awaken your appetite even if you may have to wait a few more months before going public stories.” But Capricorn is not the only one to have a great end to December. Indeed, the one who is luckiest remains Virgo.

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Virgo will have a superb end of December

Virgo did not have a very easy month of December. But things improve at Christmas when the sun arrives in Capricorn at the end of the month. “The desire to flirt, to make love and to seduce, once freed from the conditioning of the past, will be able to be expressed with satisfaction”, warns Annalisa Angelucci. The astrologer predicts great romantic encounters for this earth sign. “Also because at the same time, encounters that could lead to love and passion are numerous and the desire to trigger emotional skirmishes is also numerous.” Virgo must take advantage of this end of the year!

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