this sign will regain self-confidence (and that does him a lot of good)

The Autumn Equinox takes place on September 23, 2023 and marks the start of Libra season. This astro event impacts many astrological signs. A sign will regain self-confidence…

L’Equinox Autumn corresponds to the time when the length of the day is equal to the length of the night. It is from this moment that the days become shorter and the light diminishes. This year, the Autumnal Equinox takes place on September 23: “a new and long parenthesis opens again with the cardinal – and therefore initiatory – sign of Libra”, explains Annalisa Angelucci, astrologer for aufeminin. This is an intense time for all astrological signs. Especially for a zodiac sign who will be lucky because he will regain confidence in himself, in his abilities…

It is the earth sign of Taurus that is concerned. “The autumn equinox could be a magical time to regain confidence and love for yourself”, notes the astrologer. She makes a point of telling Taurus that he must believe in himself, today more than ever, to be able to move forward both personally and professionally. “The autumnal equinox on the 23rd could be perfect for this. It’s also a good time for those working from home or those dealing with real estate and decorating.” Other signs are encouraged by this event. Three in particular.

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These three astro signs are also impacted by the Autumn Equinox

First, Aries. For this fire sign, this Equinox rhymes with “revenge”: “Around the equinox, especially those who are artists, creators or entrepreneurs have a good opportunity to successfully redeem an old humiliation”, specifies the astrologer. Then, Libra will take advantage of this event to bring back love… “The day of the equinox, which marks the start of your birthday season, is conducive to romantic encounters and passionate dates, and this atmosphere lasts until the end of the month.” Finally, it is Aquarius who is lucky with the arrival of autumn: “The autumn equinox in Libra offers you an excellent opportunity to (re)start.” For him, it’s time to start from scratch, erase the past and start fresh: “The difficulties of the past seem truly overcome and, above all, an inspiring goal, as encouraging as it is adventurous, suddenly seems achievable,” finishes Annalisa Angelucci.

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Maude deciphers all the new fashion trends, whether on social networks or on the catwalks. She takes pleasure in selecting the new nuggets to obtain, the…

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