This simple technique is the secret to making cleaning your home less painful

Cleaning is often a task that many people dread. Indeed, it is always difficult to motivate yourself to start cleaning the whole house. Here is a simple technique that would be the secret to making this task less painful.

Any advice is good advice when it comes to making household chores less painful. This is why Patric Richardson, author and presenter qualified as“laundry evangelist”shared a simple technique to make housework no longer a burden.

Cleaning is always a tedious task. This is why any advice is good to take when it comes to tips to make our lives easier and, above all, to make this chore less unpleasant.

Richardson’s little tips for less painful cleaning

First of all, Patric Richardson recommends having fun when buying household products. For example, treating yourself to a pack of sweets while telling yourself that they will be an opportunity to comfort yourself during a cleaning session. The king of cleaning remarked that if we treat ourselves to something special while we go about our routine, it makes it less painful and may even give us something to look forward to.

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Also, it is important to group household products together. So Mr. Richardson explains that if the cleaning products are in the basement and the bathroom is on the 3rd floor, this can be a cause of demotivation.So prepare a cleaning kit which can be on the third floor and which is easily accessible“, he advised. One of the household tools that he describes as essential is the stick vacuum cleaner. According to him, this is a game changer when you need to make the floor, simply and efficiently: “Because the advantage of a stick vacuum is that it’s cordless, you just leave it on charge and it’s so light and easy to use that you just pick it up to to use it”.

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Know how to set a time limit

According to the cleaning professional, it is imperative to give yourself a deadline regarding cleaning time. Indeed, if you have to embark on 3 hours of cleaning, everyone would be discouraged by the idea. This is why you need to use a podcast, a television show or even a playlist to dedicate this time to cleaning and make cleaning the house more bearable.

“You know how long a podcast is, right? You know how long a TV show is? You can also commit to dedicating that time to cleaning.”then declared Patric Richardson. And if you’re like, “OK, when I finish the podcast, I’ll be done cleaning and I’ll be happy with that,” there is something very satisfying about it“, he concluded. A technique which can prove very promising and above all which allows you to put no pressure on yourself regarding household chores. Each person at his own pace !

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A graduate of the Nice School of Journalism, I am 26 years old and I am from the South of France. Passionate about reading and sport, I am also a…

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