this small gesture from the government to avoid unpleasant surprises

The pension reform is due to come into force on September 1. However, for some people retiring by the end of the year, the extension of the required contribution period can completely upset the plans. A decree to appear will give you a period of 2 months to reconsider a badly calculated departure request.

Retirement is anticipated. On the one hand from an administrative point of view: the Retirement insurance or the complementary Agirc-Arrco advises you to make your request at least 6 months in advance. On the other hand, some working people liquidate the days accumulated in a time savings account before their departure, which requires applying a calculation to the nearest day…

How your career statement will save you from future mistakes

However, in one case as in the other, if you are among the front runners of future withdrawals affected by the extension of the contribution period and by the decline in the legal age – if you are from the end of the year 1961, in particular – the entry into force of the reform completely challenges your calculations. Some will have to return to work after taking advantage of the days from their time savings account, others risk an unanticipated discount for a missing quarter…

A withdrawal period

In order to avoid these unpleasant surprises, consequences of the rapid application of this reform following its adoption, the government plans to offer a sort of withdrawal period. This is at least the information relayed by the daily newspaper THE Echoes in its edition of May 2, after having consulted a handful of the thirty or so decrees necessary for the application of the reform.

Insured persons who have already applied for their pension, with a scheduled departure after 1 September, will have a two-month period to cancel their request if they wish, writes the economic daily. A small gesture from the government to avoid departures in degraded conditions, due to haste.

Long career, minimum pension… These measures of the pension reform remaining to be specified by decree

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