this subject is the one that causes the most arguments between parents and grandparents

The arrival of a child is often an upheaval in a family. In fact, some grandparents may see things differently than their children when it comes to education.

Many points of disagreement are at the center of the relationship between parents and grandparents when a child arrives in the family. To avoid this type of situation, it is essential to establish dialogue in order to prevent the two parties from entering into permanent conflict on the subject.

Psychologist Anna Mathur, a parenting specialist, noted that many arguments arise between parents and grandparents concern the education of children. We’ll explain it to you.

Education, a subject of contention with grandparents

It is not uncommon for grandparents to not agree with the rules imposed by certain young parents. A dad, Darren, spoke about the nap routine he put in place with his son. A routine that his mother-in-law does not take into account when she looks after the little boy twice a week. In fact, the time spent between the father and his son recovering the child is strongly impacted because not having had his usual nap, the child is exhausted and cries with fatigue.

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The fact that grandparents go against the parents’ wishes regarding education could alter the relationship between the two parties. This is the case for Darren, who would like her mother-in-law respects her little boy’s nap times when she takes care of him. “This means that the hour I spend with my son, Tom, after work is spent trying to soothe his tired cries. I’m really starting to resent him for this.he confided, reported by the website

Communication, the key to success for the parent-grandparent relationship

Psychologist Anna Mathur advises above all to communicate during disagreements about raising children. In the case of the father who has accustomed his son to taking naps and his mother-in-law who does not respect this, there are no bad intentions on the part of the new grandmother, she simply wants taking full advantage of his grandson, does not realize disruption in the child’s routine.

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Anna Mathur also reveals that it is important not to be accusing during discussions like this, but rather to exchange and understand. The aim is not tooverwhelm the child’s grandmother with reproachesbut to explain to him that it is in his interest to respect the established schedule.

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A graduate of the Nice School of Journalism, I am 26 years old and I am from the South of France. Passionate about reading and sport, I am also a…

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