this trick from Boursorama to lend you money more easily

How to assess in a few seconds the solvency of a customer whose income is not domiciled with you? The online bank Boursorama has found an original solution, which it already uses to grant, or not, personal loans.

This is one of the advantages of being one of the 3.7 million customers claimed by Boursorama Banque at the end of the 1st quarter of 2022: you have the possibility of borrowing money from it to finance your projects. The n1 online bank in France has, in fact, a personal loan offer reserved for its customers.

Not everyone, however, enjoys the same ease of access to this offer. Like any lender, Boursorama Banque has the obligation to ensure their ability to repay. And it’s much easier to do if they domicile their salary, and more generally their various incomes. However, this is far from being the case for all: many of them use it as a secondary account, as a joint account or even do not use it or use it very little, after having opened it to test and/or take advantage of a nice welcome bonus.

Result? When they apply for a personal loan online, customers who are domiciled know immediately if they have been approved. Those who do not live, on the other hand, must send supporting documents and wait for their analysis. Which can take, according to the Boursorama website, from 7 to 10 days

Ready to share your tax notice?

Boursorama Banque has, however, found a solution to stretch all its Flash course: offering them to analyze their solvency by going directly to seek the necessary information on the site of the taxes.

How did it work? It’s quite simple. Boursorama Banque uses an automatic data extraction technique called web scraping. Concretely, she asks you to entrust your login credentials to, the site of the General Directorate of Public Finances (DGFiP), then, with your express agreement, uses them to consult your latest tax notice to date and extract your income and expenses. And only this information, promises Xavier Prin, the marketing director of Boursorama, who explains that the identifiers are deleted after an hour and [que] no one within Boursorama has access to it.

How do customers react to this proposal, which could be considered intrusive? Very favorably since they rate the course 4.8/5, and more than 90% of customers find it very simple, fast and practical, assures Xavier Prin.

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Eventually, a direct line with the tax authorities?

Boursorama Banque is confident of further improving its Flash performance. How? By using an information exchange protocol – or API in the jargon – developed by the tax authorities. This is the meaning of history, believes Xavier Prin.

Baptize Special Tax APIthis program, intended above all for exchanges with other administrations, can indeed be opened to certain private companies, within the framework of their legal and regulatory obligations for missions of general interest.

This is already the case: the API is used by banks to check the eligibility of their customers for the popular savings account (LEP). It is even an obligation for them to go through our API for this, confirms the DGFiP. But, for the time being, she limits her answer to a simple yes/no: yes, the client is eligible for LEP; no, it is not. Insufficient, therefore, in the state to score a credit application.

Consumer credit: the comparison of online offers

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