This type of tea, which is long-lasting, is therefore not recommended for pregnant women and pregnant women

Considered over time as a grandmother’s remedy, this type of tea has been recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women. But after studying, it seemed that this drink was dangerous for the mother and the baby.

We all the traditionsespecially when it comes to health. Coffee to ease the bad heads, milk glass before sleeping, a sleight of hand to have fewer teeth… We have a multitude of habits for reduce pain and improve our well-being. It is also for pregnant women. However, when a woman gives birth to a child, her health is better monitored than in everyday life.

Consequently, the many recipes for grandmageneration to generation data that continue to be consumed, especially a certain amount. This plant would be very beneficial for the pain of pregnant women, but also for lactation. But after several studies, it seemed that a molecule is finally unfastened for the mother, but also for the baby. Here are the details.

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A dangerous molecule for pregnant women and pregnant women

Due to scientific studies, particularly in mice and mice, the benefits of a specific toothpaste are in question. In effect, according to the results, the fenugreek tea, which is said to be excellentis ultimately not good for the health of pregnant and breastfeeding women. The oesophagus molecule, an organic compound that we find in fenugreek, would be carcinogenic and genotoxific. The troubles can therefore arise at the mother and the baby.

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Consequently, theEuropean Medicines Agency (EMA) advise pregnant women and pregnant women to drink this drinkwhich historically was a remedy during pregnancy. Also add the words of Committee for Plant-Based Medicines (HMPC) according to which the molecule present in the phenol has the ability to modify the ADN. The Health Agency precisely so: “In the general population, exposure to tartar must be maintained at a level as low as possible”.

A lack of study on the danger of this tisane

Following this declaration of theEuropean Medicines Agency On January 31, 2024, several specialists have set the tone for do not intimidate pregnant women and pregnant women. In effect, it seems that there is already a lack of study to confirm that it is not good to eat a teacup with fennel. Sylvie Michel, pharmacognosist, explains: “The tension in tarragon is variable from one plant to the other. In the majority of cases, one does not expect dangerous doses, but the truth is that one does not say anything”.

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Éliette Bruneau, President of the National Association of Liberal Women in France added: “You must not treat all these women who apparently consumed the fenouil, you must avoid risks, but without harming them”. In any case, with this question in mind, the competent authorities have decided no longer recommend the fenugreek tea. If you have any questions about this subject, do not hesitate to contact your doctor.

Actus Editorial

Physically well, mentally well, sexology, feminism, education, psychology, politics… Discover with Léna a welcoming and resourceful universe through her shares on AuFéminin. Aware of the importance of maintaining balance…

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