This unexpected mascara color will widen your eyes and rejuvenate your look

Say goodbye to black mascara! If you’re used to wearing mascara, it doesn’t have to be black every time. And this unexpected color widens your eyes, no matter the color of your eyes. We tell you everything.

Whether you are used to applying makeup using a lot of products or very few, mascara is often the one that no woman can do without. Unlike foundation or highlighter which are more difficult to control, mascara is simple to apply and really widens the eyes. Some of us even have the habit of having eyelash extensions applied to have a real doe look.

But to widen the view even further, there is an unstoppable beauty tip and this concerns the color of the mascara. By default, we tend to buy and wear black mascara. However, this color is not necessarily the most flattering. Perhaps you’ve already noticed this with eyeliner and eye pencils. Shades of brown, green or gold can brighten up your eyes much more than with a black pencil. And the same goes for mascara.

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An ultra trendy color that widens the eyes

The new makeup trend is burgundy mascara. A color that we wouldn’t necessarily have opted for at first glance. And yet… Professional makeup artists are unanimous: burgundy mascara widens the eyes. A fact with which many Internet users on TikTok agree since the hashtag burgundy mascara already has more than 91 million views on the social network.

The advantage of burgundy mascara is that it looks great on all women. But those with green eyes are the ones who would benefit most from wearing burgundy mascara. “This is explained because green and burgundy are opposite colors in colorimetry”explains Veronica Pose, National Make-Up Artist at Sephora, to the Spanish media El País. And if you have blue eyes, burgundy mascara will also suit you very well!

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How to choose your burgundy mascara?

If burgundy mascara is very trendy, be careful not to make a mistake. In painting, the burgundy color is obtained by mixing magenta primary red with a little cyan primary blue and a touch of yellow. There are therefore several shades of burgundy which lean more towards red or brown depending on the colour. And for burgundy mascara, experts recommend do not choose it too red.

In fact, to enlarge the eyes, makeup artist David Francés strongly recommends choose a burgundy mascara whose tone leans towards brown and not red. It must be said that red makeup is quite difficult to wear. On the eyes, the color red can quickly connote Haloween, which is really not the idea. Better to reserve the red for the lips by applying a pretty lipstick.

Passionate about women’s news, Agathe has been deciphering the latest trends for aufeminin since 2022. Her favorite areas? Psychology, nutrition and well-being advice, without forgetting the tips…

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