This very popular first name has more than 50 different possible spellings.

A very popular first name that you all know can be written in more than 50 ways. Find out which one.

Nowadays, it is true that first names are becoming more and more original. It is possible that first names do not even exist, and come from the fruit of the parents’ imagination, with boundless creativity. Some are also very poorly pronounced, due to the fact that they are not widespread. Some even have fun putting together their own first names to form the first name of their offspring. Apart from ‘invented’ first names, there is also another trend.

It’s about old first names, which come back more and more. Some stars were the first to use them. Such as Marion Cotillard and Guillaume Canet with their little Marcel, Nolwenn Leroy and her little Marin or even Jean Dujardin and Nathalie Péchalat with their two little girls. In short, there aren’t really any limits when it comes to first names. For twins, some also have to be cunning. One couple even named their twins by their father’s first name. Everything, or almost everything, is therefore possible.

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What first name can be written in more than 50 ways?

There is a very common first name that can be written in more than 50 ways. Little clue, a football star wears it… It’s Kylian ! According to the book The Official First Names 2024, published by First editions, this first name set a record this year thanks to its number of alterations. In fact, he has 51 spellings to his credit.

According to INSEE statistics, 393 little Kylians were born in France in 2022, compared to 500 in 2021 and 666 in 2020. Our international player Kylian Mbappé, particularly after the victory of the Blues in 2018, allowed a rebound in the first name with 1232 children named Kylian that year. In France, the two most common ways of writing this first name are Killian and Kylian. Kylian is worn by 31,000 French people, and Killian by 11,000. This other way of writing it, Kyllian, is worn by 9,000 French people. There is also variations for female first names such as Killiane, Kyliana, Kylliane or even Kyla, even if they are less common.


Originally from Toulouse, I moved to Cannes in 2021. It is therefore very close to the sea and palm trees that I have been writing for Au Féminin since 2022. Accustomed to…

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