This Warzone cheat eliminates campers

A Warzone player has revealed a creative method to get rid of Rebirth Island tower campers and the foolproof trick is pretty simple to replicate.

Warzone players were spoiled in Season 4 with three maps to choose from after Good Fortune was added to the battle royale. Although Good Fortune was a big hit, players are still enjoying their dose of Rebirth Island.

Although the map is small, there are plenty of nooks and crannies where players can hide. Campers are definitely slowing down the pace on Rebirth Island, but a new trick has revealed the perfect way to deal with it.


Rebirth Island was originally released in 2020.

Of all the Rebirth Island campsites in Season 4, it’s no exaggeration to say that none are more popular than the island tower. The top of the massive tower is a common camping spot for players, and its limited entrances make it difficult to infiltrate.

That may change after a player posted a clip to the Warzone subreddit, showing off a genius trick for clearing tower campers on Rebirth Island.

As you can see in the clip, the kill was made possible using a Snapshot Grenade and the player’s Akimbo Renetti. First, the player used the Snapshot Grenade to pinpoint the enemy’s position. He then pulled up with the Renetti to secure the down.

This immobilization gave the player the time necessary to make the long ascent of the ladder of the tower. Although the enemy player used a self-reviver, his weak state allowed him to easily kill him once on top.

Some players wonder how the Renetti were able to ensure the kill from such a considerable distance while shooting through a surface: “Can your gun shoot through the ground?”

It seems the power of the Pistols also shocked the OP: “That’s the part that surprised me the most. I had no FMJ on the Kar98K or the Renetti because I had put the Akimbo asset. Nonetheless, they are an effective tool in ridding Rebirth Island of tower campers.

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