This Warzone player discovers a way to punish cheaters

Good Fortune is the perfect playground for cheaters who shoot through walls, but Warzone players may have discovered a perfect parry to this annoying bug.

The bug of players walking through walls in Good Fortune was first reported at the start of Season 4. Buggy walls were also an issue in Verdansk, Rebirth Island, and Caldera.

Bonne Fortune has several points of interest where buildings and walls are plentiful and easy to exploit. The POI most affected by buggy wall problems is the main city.

The July 7 Warzone update patch notes state that “collision issues with various Caldera elements have been fixed, allowing players to mine, stare at, or shoot through them”. In case you still encounter a wall problem, there is a quick fix to punish those who abuse it.


Cheating in Warzone is not a recent phenomenon.

How to counter and punish wall glitching in Warzone

It was Warzone player Veggieman_21 and his duo partner who decided that if you can’t defeat cheaters normally, punish them creatively.

By throwing a grenade into a building, you can eliminate abusers and reveal the location of campers without even being detected.

Another player replied saying, “You are doing the lord’s work here, my friend.”

Another person said: “It’s fixed, isn’t it?”.

While the wall glitches will most likely one day be fully fixed, this method could be a great way to deal with campers on Good Fortune. Try flash grenades and become a nightmare for campers.

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