this wedding photo that made people react

Former candidate for “Large families: life in XXL” (TF1), Ambre Dol has published a snapshot of her former marriage with her ex-spouse Alexandre. A detail of this photo has amazed some Internet users.

The “Memories” function of social networks sometimes brings up significant moments, and others that we would have preferred to forget. Ambre Dol, former candidate of Large families: life in XXL (TF1) was no exception to the rule. The one who is enjoying her first summer with her children after her divorce saw her Facebook and Instagram accounts reveal a photo of a particular event: her marriage, on July 13, 2021, to Alexandre Dol. The couple separated in 2022, and the ex-husband of Ambre Dol was tried for domestic violence against her. From, the nurse raises her children alone Jade, Maëlys, Lizandro, Joaquim and Winona. And if she documents her new life as a single mom on her social networks, she also had the opportunity to look back on her past.

In a publication dated July 13 (which you can consult by following this link), Ambre Dol explains that she has a serene, even detached, relationship with her marriage which the production of TF1 had attended. For her, this day has no more meaning nowadays” And “leaves only administrative traces and photo memories immortalizing a few moments with people dear to [son] heart”. “I do not have absolutely no nostalgia for this July 13, 2021I look at this past day with the eyes of the present and the future, with lucidity and with the accomplishment that I acquired with resilience and will”she says, explaining to be inspired by the test The virtues of failure of the philosopher Charles Pépin.

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A bride from behind

To accompany her text, Ambre Dol also published a photo from her memories. On the snapshot, she appears wearing her wedding dress, walking alone and from behind, as if fleeing the lens. A point of view that has not gone unnoticed by some Internet users. This photo from behind, alone, already on the run… The symbol of your freedom. You are a ‘warrior’ [une guerrière, NDLR]you are moving forward for you and your childrencongratulates a user. “Like the picture, you turned your back on it all! Bravo”, rejoiced another. After going through the divorce stage, Ambre Dol continues to move forward : she announced that she wanted to return to her birth name. And this Friday, July 14, she was able to witness the victory of her two eldest daughters, Jade and Maëlys, at the world karate championshipsin Scotland.


Passionate about writing, Floréane is interested in a wide variety of subjects. When she’s not writing about current events, the environment or gender issues, she takes refuge under a blanket…

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