This woman finds out she is pregnant at … 7 months pregnant

At 23, thinking about doing a simple routine test, she realizes she has been pregnant with her first child in seven months.

Daisy Leigh got ready to be a mom in just two months! When she was just feeling bloated, this 23 year old from the UK decided to take a pregnancy test at work “Just to dispel doubts”. “When I felt a wave of unusual movements in my belly last year, particular movements and different from anything I had experienced before, the possibility of pregnancy is not the first thing I notice. thought. You have to be very far along in your pregnancy to feel a baby kick, after all. The idea was so implausible that I didn't allow myself to think about it: I had no morning sickness, no sore breasts, no swollen belly, and I had felt as energetic as usual for years. month", she says in the columns of the Huffington Post.

It was then that the young woman's life changed. To her surprise, the pregnancy test came back positive. “I returned to my office in a state of pure confusion. I had been on the birth control pill for years and never considered that the choice of whether or not to get pregnant would be taken away from me. I thought that each person made the decision and that each week of pregnancy was experienced with excitement, including discovering sex, choosing a name, all at their own pace. I never imagined that a child would almost be pushed into my arms, becoming my immediate responsibility. At 23, I didn't feel at all ready to give birth, let alone raise another human being. I was in shock, and the movements in my stomach only increased. "

A well advanced pregnancy

The next day, she says she consulted a doctor who actually confirmed her pregnancy. But that's not the craziest! The young woman denied pregnancy medically called a "cryptic pregnancy" since she was already in her third trimester. A phenomenon manifested by a total or partial absence of pregnancy symptoms. In some cases, women do not find out about the news until the fateful moment of childbirth. “Outraged, I kicked the bed, and I was having trouble breathing. As a teenager, I always envisioned the moment when I would find out I was expecting a child. I could see myself jumping for joy and calling my family members, looking forward to the news. I never imagined that I would find out, alone in a doctor's office, that I was seven months pregnant – and that I only had two months left to prepare to be a mom. "

Alarming symptoms

As she tried to figure out what had happened to her, the young woman realized that her body had tried to convey to her that she was indeed pregnant. “I realized that there are innocuous moments that I didn't pay attention to, where my body was trying to tell me that I was pregnant: I passed out in the bath for no apparent reason, a small stain had leaked from my nipple the previous month and had taken a day off because I was feeling exhausted, just as I was going through my first trimester without knowing it.

But none of these clues ever got me thinking about pregnancy. I wondered about my own ignorance: how could I be a good mother if I didn't even know I was carrying my daughter? How will I be able to cope as a young mother with a full time job? Will I be able to have a connection with my child? "

Unfailing support from those around him

At the time, the young woman lived with her mother and three sisters. As she relates, her first instinct was to call her mother, who had no idea she was pregnant. “Her reassurance was the only thing that kept me going, as reality crumbled and I began to accept my chosen path. "You can do it," she kept telling me over and over as I stared at her. “I can't,” I replied. But, as I've learned, mothers are always right. ”

“She had chosen us”

After this announcement, the young woman and her companion, aged 25, got involved in their role as future parents. “What happened over the next two months is visceral. Without even realizing it, I fell madly in love with the baby I was carrying. People around me said that I was "born to be a mother," something I had never said about myself, but now felt able to embody.

My partner and I eagerly awaited each ultrasound, our family and friends celebrated every milestone, and we felt electrified with every kick as we chose a name, a crib, a cradle. I even came to look forward to the birth. […] My daughter was so strong-willed that she overcame the tiny possibilities of pregnancy and hid in my womb for 30 weeks, waiting for us to find her. I changed my perception from feeling sad that I had no choice, to the realization that she chose us. How could I do but honor his choice? "

Baby will guide you

Today, the couple seem more fulfilled than ever. They welcomed their little Savannah Leonora on October 27, 2019. “When she was born, we felt a sense of accomplishment – a feeling I didn't expect. I was so sure it was an "inconvenience" at first, but I was wrong – it was our greatest blessing.

Even if it wasn't planned, and even though it led us down a path we never expected, I would tell any woman who has had an experience similar to mine that it will be the best thing ever for her. arrival. Your baby will guide you. Your bond will become indestructible. And your protective instinct will win out over any fear. I thank my daughter every day for giving me the chance to raise her, and I will be forever proud to say that I am a mom. " What a beautiful statement!

Term of pregnancy: all you need to know

Video by Loïcia Fouillen