this Youtuber downloads all the games

A Youtubeur has made it his mission to download absolutely all Nintendo 3DS and Wii U games. No one will have access to these games anymore, but we will at least have the satisfaction of knowing that they still exist, whatever go.

Credit: 123rf

The announcement of the closing of the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U blinds is a disaster for the history of video games. Even if the Nintendo Switch offers much greater video game capabilities, it is not backward compatible with the games of its ancestors. Once their eShop closes, their game library will disappear forever.

After March 27, 2023, if you feel like retrogaming on your old portable console, you will either have to settle for your own toy library, because all the other games will have disappeared from circulation. Fortunately, Youtuber The Completionist has made it his mission to save the video game heritage of the 3DS and Wii U.

This Youtubeur spends almost a year downloading all the games for the 3DS and the Wii U

The Completionist has published a video in which he details how he managed to buy and download the entire blinds of the two consoles. In his own words: “I purchased ALL of the games available for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U from Nintendo eShop before it closed. It was expensive, it took time, but it was absolutely worth it”.

You could say that The Completionist was genuinely dedicated to the task. The numbers of his epic are impressive. It will have taken 328 days to download the 866 Wii U games and the 1547 titles for the 3DS. This includes DSiWare games, Virtual Console releases, and downloadable content. All consoles combined, the total weight of all the games transferred is around 1.5 TB. This operation is obviously not free, since in total, it will have cost close to $22,800 and 460 Nintendo eShop cards at The Completionist. The Youtubeur did not do this just for his little person: he donates all these games to the Video Game History Foundation.

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