this zodiac sign is luckiest from January 20

This astrological sign will have a very good time from January 20: he is very lucky in all areas.

Video by Maude Sebaihi

The month of January is already well underway and certain astrological signs have already benefited from the energies of this first month of the year 2024. Other members of the zodiacal wheel have had some difficulty facing the days of January. The month of January was not easy because it marks the start of 2024 and that is synonymous with renewal, new beginning…Which may cause some people to panic. The middle of the month was very good for some and very bad for others. Some signs are very lucky when it comes to finances, like Taurus or Pisces, who could see a superb sum of money arrive in their bank account. Others are more encouraged from a personal point of view like Gemini or Taurus (definitely, this astrological sign is on the rise).

We can in particular explain Taurus’s luck by the fact that the month of January highlights the sign of Capricorn because the two signs have the same element: Earth. Thus, Taurus is encouraged by the energies of Capricorn, just like Virgo who is having a superb month of January. But they are not the ones who are the luckiest from the 20th of the month. The one that is most highlighted is Aquarius !

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Aquarius is very lucky from January 20

Aquarius is extremely lucky from the end of the month, and more precisely from January 20, 2024. Why such a precise date? Because it is the return of the Sun in its constellation: “you will feel full of energy and nothing will be able to resist you. Within you, more or less unconsciously, you will clearly feel that it is the beginning of a new season”, explains Annalisa Angelucci, astrologer for aufeminin. For Aquarius, it’s a new era. “You will know intuitively that nothing will be the same again even if, in the years to come, you will be forced to abandon old (and outdated) ways of being and doing in order to be reborn to yourselves in a new way. totally renewed.” This is also reflected in Aquarius projects, especially if they are real estate projects: “Real estate projects, which often crown unions and relationships, move forward at your leisure and help give you a vague sense of success and hope.” A great end to the month and a good month of February await this air sign!

Fashion, Lifestyle, Astro Journalist

Maude deciphers all the new fashion trends, whether on social networks or on the catwalks. She takes pleasure in selecting the new nuggets to obtain, the…

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