Thomas Godoj: This is how the DSDS star sounds today

Thomas Godoj
This is how the DSDS star sounds today

Thomas Godoj now writes and produces his own songs


Thomas Godoj was the clear favorite in the fifth season of the big talent show. But what is the singer actually doing today? In the video you can see how much music is still important to him today.

Beatrice Egli, Pietro Lombardi, Sarah Engels, Alexander Klaws and more: The DSDS casting show has meanwhile produced quite a few stars. A great talent that was discovered on the show is Thomas Godoj: The rock musician won the fifth season of the successful talent show in 2008 and conquered the German charts with his first single “Love Is You”.

Thomas Godoj convinced the DSDS viewers in 2008

The 44-year-old is still a true thoroughbred musician, writes songs and produces his own music. He has just started a new video series on Instagram entitled “Hausflur-Sessions”. In the video you can see for yourself if the singer still sounds as good as he did 14 years ago.

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