Thomas Gottschalk: He takes issue with media after headline about Jauch separation

Thomas Gottschalk
He takes issue with the media after the headline about Jauch’s separation

© imago images/United Archives

Thomas Gottschalk (74) and Mike Krüger (72) expect in the latest episode of their “Supernasen” podcast (on RTL+) with the gossip press. The occasion: A Headline of the magazine “Das Neue Blatt”. The newspaper recently advertised on its front page with “shocking revelations” about Günther Jauch (67). “Did his wife throw him out?” was the headline in the tabloid. His long-time friend and colleague Thomas Gottschalk is said to have revealed this in his podcast.

But first things first. In the last episode of “Die Supernasen” Thomas Gottschalk talked about the filming of “Denn sie wissen nicht, was passiert!” For the RTL show he regularly appears live in front of the camera with Günther Jauch and Barbara Schöneberger (50) in Hürth near Cologne at the weekend. Gottschalk revealed that Jauch often stays overnight in Cologne during the week too. In a “cheap student room”, as Mike Krüger notes in the new episode.

Gottschalk defends himself against suggestive headline

From this short anecdote, “Das Neue Blatt” created the headline that Jauch was thrown out by his wife Thea (66). “He is hardly ever in his family villa in Potsdam anymore,” wrote the paper, citing Gottschalk. The former “Wetten, dass..?” presenter rejected this allegation. “I don’t care about other marriages,” he emphasized in the current episode.

In this context, the Supernasen make fun of the suggestive headlines in the yellow press. Mike Krüger told of a headline that claimed that the tennis dream couple Steffi Graf (54) and Andre Agassi (54) had split up. They just drove away in different cars. Gottschalk brings his friend Jauch back into the picture. “There was a row at Jauch’s house” was once said when the presenter was near a building site.

“We had our time”: No envy of the Kaulitz brothers

Thomas Gottschalk also takes a Article by “Intouch” in which a podcast episode was also exploited. “Business bankruptcy after ‘Wetten, dass..?’ He is devastated,” reads the headline. He and Mike Krüger are said to have been “bitterly disappointed” that Bill and Tom Kaulitz (34) are now advertising for McDonald’s – and no longer the super noses like in the 1980s.

Gottschalk is also said to be jealous of Kai Pflaume (57) because he interviewed Kim Kardashian (43) at the Online Marketing Rockstars Festival. And of Günther Jauch because he was allowed to announce a member of the German squad for the European Football Championship.

Gottschalk now emphasizes that he and Krüger had praised the Kaulitz twins. The super-noses eat almost exclusively vegan food anyway. They would also rather not be asked by the fast food chain than be an advertising medium for mashed potatoes that you can eat even with dentures. “We had our time,” Gottschalk sums up.


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