Thomas Harvey lived with Einstein’s brain for 42 years

The pathologist Thomas Harvey had removed and taken the physicist’s brain during the autopsy. After that, he spent half his life with the organ. This is great material for a novel. Working on it took me to the strangest places.

On April 18, 1955, Thomas Harvey, chief pathologist at Princeton Hospital, provides information about the autopsy performed on Albert Einstein.


Lawrence, in Kansas in the American Midwest, is a quaint little town with streets laid out in a checkerboard pattern, as if a giant Zen gardener had pulled his rake through. The American Civil War began here, at least that is what city historians claim, and a certain James Naismith is said to have popularized the game of basketball he invented on the university campus. The Jayhawks’ mascot, a red-headed bird with blue feathers and yellow shoes that looks like a bruised Woody Woodpecker, is omnipresent and even adorns many a gravestone.

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