Thor: Love and Thunder blasts us with a love-filled first trailer

Thibaut Popelier

Gaming Specialist

April 18, 2022 at 5:06 p.m.


Thor: Love and Thunder©Marvel Studios

© Marvel Studios

This Easter Monday may be a holiday, but the superheroes don’t take any rest! Marvel has chosen this beginning of the week to deliver the very first trailer for Thor: Love and Thunder.

After a few leaks and long months of waiting, the famous god of thunder is about to return to service in a fourth feature film. Waiting for the release of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness scheduled for May 4, Marvel has decided to impress us with the ultra-paced trailer of Thor: Love and Thunder.

An epic in good company

Tradition obliges, this trailer inevitably comes to spoiler some elements of the scenario (stop there if you want to keep the suspense).

The video shows this dear Thor in the company of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Other characters like Zeus (Russel Crowe) and a Jane Foster capable of using Mjöllnir will join the party! In addition to some rather successful plans, the trailer emphasizes humor. Director Taika Waititi is no doubt no stranger to this choice.

Now we just have to wait until July 13 to find out Thor: Love and Thunder in French cinemas.

Source : marvel studios

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