Thousands from Ukraine every day: the federal government expects a million refugees

Thousands from Ukraine every day
The federal government expects a million refugees

Shortly after Russia’s attack on Ukraine, the federal government still expects 340,000 people to seek protection in Germany. This number is probably far too low: according to the latest forecast by the federal government, there could be up to one million refugees.

More and more refugees from Ukraine are coming to Germany. So far, the Federal Police have registered 218,301 war refugees, according to a spokesman for the Federal Ministry of the Interior in Berlin. The federal police are currently checking more intensively. However, since there are no fixed border controls at the internal borders, the number of war refugees entering Germany could actually be significantly higher. On Saturday, the number of refugees was given as 207,742.

According to a report, the federal government expects one million refugees from Ukraine to come to Germany for a longer period of time. As the “Bild am Sonntag” reported, the traffic light government discussed the consequences of the Russian war of aggression in a cabinet meeting on Ukraine last Wednesday and adjusted its forecast for the number of refugees.

The federal government originally assumed 340,000 people, but the number has now been increased to one million. According to current estimates, a total of ten million people will flee their Ukrainian homeland before the war begins.

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