Thousands of crypto wallets siphoned off the Solana blockchain

Noellie Mautaint

August 03, 2022 at 5:45 p.m.


Solana ©


In recent months, hacks in the middle of the blockchain multiply. Hackers’ latest target: Solana, the ninth cryptocurrency the most valued in the world.

Thousands of wallets based on the Solana blockchain were completely emptied of their funds on the night of August 2 to 3, 202. Estimates suggest that 6 million dollars flew into the air.

8,000 crypto wallets siphoned off

The cryptocurrency community was abuzz early this morning on Twitter. Many messages urged investors to quickly withdraw their assets from digital wallets based on the Solana blockchain. The network of one of the most important cryptocurrencies in the sector has been the victim of a major attack which allowed hackers to siphon off nearly 8,000 crypto-wallets.

Several Phantom and Slope wallets were completely emptied. According to the first returns, all the funds were transferred to addresses held by the hackers, who managed to get their hands on more than 6 million dollars in Solana and USDC, a coin very widespread in the middle. It is still unknown who the hackers are behind this large-scale attack. The company quickly took to social media and claims to be investigating the emptied wallets with the help of several security companies and ” engineers of several ecosystems “.

A security breach in question?

The contours of this hacking remain unclear for the time being. The team in charge of the network nevertheless advances that a ” flaw allowed a malicious actor to drain funds from a number of crypto-wallets. […] This is not due to a bug in the main Solana code, but in the software used by several popular wallets within our user network. According to initial feedback, only portfolios that have been inactive for several months have been affected.

For Anatoly Yakovenko, co-founder of Solana, the hypothesis of an attack on the supply chain of the iOS operating system seems the most likely. However, it still needs to be confirmed. For now, network officials have launched a call for witnesses to better understand the profile of injured users. Those who have a wallet still containing Solana assets are invited to transfer their funds to a cold storage solution or to an exchange platform (FTX, Coinbase, etc.) until the origin of the fault is resolved. discovery.

This new case will not help Solana regain credibility. Recently, it suffered repeated breakdowns blocking transactions. In June alone, the network found itself out of service for hours following a bug in the system, it was already the eighth since the beginning of the year.

Source : The Verge

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