Thousands of participants – Grazathlon: The starting signal has been given

The Grawe Grazathlon is taking place in Graz today. Thousands of participants are in the state capital and face the spectacular obstacle course. First photos and videos can be found here.

Monkeyland, Hupf in Gatsch, Wand 4 plus Panier – these are the names of the obstacles that make the Grazathlon one of the funniest and most popular sporting events in the state capital. Around 5,500 athletes want to master the spectacular obstacle course this year. You can compete in two distances – over 5 or 10 kilometers. The start will be in blocks of hundreds every 20 minutes, so the event will take a while. Yesterday, Friday, the youth race was held, in which a thousand young athletes competed – a new record. The award ceremony for today’s race will take place at 8 p.m followed by a big party in the event arena in the Augarten.
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