THQ Nordic releases a new trailer for Gothic Remake

The trailer has the intelligence to bring us back to a place well known to those who had suffered in the gothic of 2001: the Old Camp. We see a vile rascal engaging in some pickpocketing activities, before being caught and paying the price for his baseness. Although the trailer aims to show the sticky atmosphere so particular to the saga gothicwe are still disappointed, since we were not entitled to the slightest image of gameplay.

Wouldn’t the remake of Gothic be RenaissanZ?

One of the peculiarities of gothic was his progression system. The open-world RPG, originally developed by Piranha Bytes, didn’t offer character choices, classes, or races. It was only through the experience gained by fighting or by carrying out various quests that one obtained experience and skill points (or learning points). You then had to go and spend these skill points with specific characters, masters in their fields, in order to acquire new abilities. We will thus evolve towards specializations such as Magician or Emeritus Hunter only via these expenditures of skill points. gothic is also remembered for its very demanding combat system, based on a set of specific movements: parries, blocks and dodges had to be mastered to hope to survive. We hope that for this remake, all of this will be a little more fluid, because more than twenty years after its release, the title is proving to be rather tough to handle. For those who would like to check it for themselves, know that the pure and simple porting of gothic will land on September 28 on Switch, in a digital version and in a physical version at a price of €29.99. These versions can be ordered now on the publisher’s website.

gothic remake is planned for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series, but has no official release date.

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