Thran clashes between students and police

by Parisa Hafezi

DUBAI, Oct 2 (Reuters) – Iranian security forces clashed with students at a major university in Thran on Sunday, state media reported, as protests sparked by the death of a woman arrested by police police is in its third week.

The protests over the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian Kurd who died shortly after her arrest by the morality police, are the largest expression of rejection of Iranian religious authorities since 2019. The repression of this movement has already caused several dozen deaths across the country.

According to the Tavsir1500 Twitter account, which has been widely followed since the start of the movement, Sharif University, a traditional hotbed of dissent, is surrounded by dozens of riot police.

One of the videos posted on social media showed security forces firing tear gas to drive students off campus and the sound of what appeared to be gunfire from a distance could be heard.

Another video shows security forces pursuing dozens of students trapped in the university’s underground car park.

Reuters could not independently verify the events at the university.

On Sunday, students demonstrated at numerous universities and demonstrations took place in several cities such as Thran, Yazd, Kermanshah, Sanandaj, Shiraz and Mashhad, with participants chanting “independence, freedom, death Khamenei”, according to messages posted on social media. (Parisa Hafezi; French version Nicolas Delame)

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