Threat of war in Ukraine: majority of Finns want to join NATO

Threat of war in Ukraine
Majority of Finns wants to join NATO

Although Finland cooperates closely with NATO, it has not yet applied for membership in the defense alliance. However, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has increased popular support for such a move.

In Finland, support for possible NATO membership is growing. In view of the war of aggression by Finland’s neighbor Russia in Ukraine, 62 percent of respondents in the latest poll by radio station Yle spoke out in favor of NATO membership. According to the survey, only 16 percent were against such a step, and 21 percent were undecided.

Just a few weeks ago, in an YLE poll, a Finnish majority of more than 50 percent voted in favor of joining NATO for the first time ever. The Ukraine war has reignited the debate over NATO membership in Finland and neighboring Sweden. It is now being discussed and debated politically. Finnish President Sauli Niinistö and Prime Minister Sanna Marin have not yet taken a clear position on the issue. Finland and Sweden are not yet members of NATO, but they are close partners in the military alliance.

Finland wants to buy weapons from Israel

Finland has a 1,300-kilometre border with Russia, making it the EU country with the longest border to the giant empire. Because of the developments in Ukraine, it wants to strengthen its military defenses with weapon systems from Israel. Finnish Defense Minister Antti Kaikkonen said so at the beginning of March. It’s an air defense system.

There are two Israeli providers to choose from. “The situation on our borders is peaceful, but we still have to be vigilant and strengthen our defenses,” said the minister. “It’s something we always have to do,” he added. Finland announced last December that it would buy 64 fighter jets from US manufacturer Lockheed Martin.

Furthermore, the Scandinavian state would like to strengthen security cooperation with the USA. The White House announced a few weeks ago after a meeting between US President Joe Biden and his Finnish colleague Niinistö that this should be done in coordination with other Nordic countries.

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