Threatened escalation around Taiwan – Taiwan representative: “Beijing’s reactions are predictable” – News

In view of the Chinese threat following the visit of US top politician Nancy Pelosi, fear of an escalation in Taiwan is increasing among many people around the world. But how does official Taiwan perceive the situation? We met the official representative of Taiwan in Switzerland for an interview.

David Huang

Representative of Taiwan in Switzerland

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David Huang, born in 1964, has headed the “Délégation culturelle et Economique de Taipei” in Bern since 2018. Through this organization he represents Taiwan in Switzerland. He has a PhD in Political Science from Oxford University.

SRF News: What are your thoughts on Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan?

Overall, the benefit of your visit outweighs it. He showed the United States’ unwavering commitment to Taiwan’s survival and democracy. Taiwan made the United States feel good about the visit.

After the visit, do you have the impression that Taiwan has the full support of the US?

The US Senate has assured Taiwan that the US intends to maintain the status quo in the Taiwan Strait. The current government in Taiwan is also trying to maintain this status. Whoever sent the military forces in China to launch missiles and target the Taiwanese and nearby territorial waters wants to disrupt this status quo. And thus defy the United States.

How do you assess the Chinese government’s reaction?

Beijing’s reactions are fairly predictable. We were warned from the start, so it’s no surprise at all now. But if the situation develops in the longer term, maybe China will do some stupid things and escalate the situation. It is in nobody’s interest for a military conflict to take place between China and Taiwan. These military drills are a violation of international law because conducting the drills near foreign territorial waters is not a drill, it’s a threat. And that should not be tolerated by any democracy.

What Taiwanese always do is prepare for the worst-case scenario

What do you expect from the Swiss government?

In my role, I can’t ask for anything. The Swiss government has to decide for itself what to do. I would appreciate it if she made a statement in her own interest to show the solidarity of a small state. To show that everyone must respect international rules and not use violence against other states.

How can we better understand China and what China wants?

We must understand that China is under the total control of the Chinese Communist Parties. It is not democratic and does not speak the same language as Taiwan, Switzerland or any other European country.

Her family lives in Taiwan. Are you afraid for her?

Let me put it another way: in Taiwan, many people don’t want to fear the threat from China, but Taiwan is threatened every day. They fly over our air defense zone every day. They are already threatening Taiwan. What Taiwanese always do is prepare for the worst-case scenario.

Lukas Messmer conducted the interview.

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