Three new mobs should be unveiled at the next Minecraft Live

Mobs, new characters, creature, Minecraft Live, MC, Mojang

On the occasion of the next Minecraft Live 2022 which has been announced, players will be able to vote for the next mob to appear in the game.

A new community “Mob Vote” will take place soon during a Minecraft Live announced by Mojang. The studio will host an online community event on October 14 and 15 nextincluding the possibility for players to vote for the new mob that will enter the game’s roster. For the moment, the preselected monsters have not been announced, but the presentation video gives some small clues.

Indeed, it is necessary to solve an enigma with Minecraft Live, announce the characters of the video, in order to find out who will be on offer at the event, and join the Allay, the mob who was elected last year. Minis Agnes, Jeb and Vu talk in particular about a chest in the underwater ruins filled with eggs, a character who spies on players in the mines, and hats that move… If you don’t feel like racking your brains, check out this performance by a YouTuber who locked up all of the game’s mobs in his basement.

Last year, the community voted for the Allay to join Minecraft. This year, you’ll have the opportunity to vote for a new mob, but we’re doing things a little differently. Instead of voting on Twitter, you can now vote on a special Bedrock server, in the Minecraft Launcher, or here on! Voting will open on October 14 at noon EDT, which means you’ll have 24 hours to vote (and change it as many times as you like!) while keeping the results amazed until the announcement is made. during the show.

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