three tips for sleeping well in a tent


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For vacationers looking for adventure, the tent is a must. However, it is essential to know the tool well to use it in the best conditions. We take stock.

In the large family of vacationers, two groups can be clearly identified. First of all, those for whom rest rhymes with comfort. For these people, the objective is clear: to find the coziest place possible to come back more peaceful than ever. Hotels, spas, guest houses, Airbnb… all means are good to find a very cozy bed. On the other hand, we find adventurers, vacationers looking for thrills and nature. For those, there is only one essential: the tent. But to enjoy the charm of the latter, it is important to know the basics of the camp. In particular to deal with bad weather, the sworn enemies of the favorite tool of adventurers. Because, yes, heat, cold, rain and wind are meteorological conditions which, once pushed to the extreme, can make the experience unbearable. Don’t worry, we give you all the tips for become the king of the camp.

The first essential thing, before even starting the installation, is toidentify the direction of the wind. This step is essential to know how to orient your tent. The goal? Place it with its back to the wind to prevent it from rushing in below. Second fundamental step: prepare the ground well. First of all, it is essential to check if the ground is not sloping. If there is a slight inclination, it is not optimal, but you can still settle down. Simply, you have to put your head up to be more comfortable. Then, it is recommended to lay the floor mat at the very end of your installation. This will allow you to dig the ground in such a way that create a small hole for the hips. A great way to sleep on your side without a hitch. Finally, one last thing about the floor: insulation. If the temperatures are low, put blankets under the floor mats to prevent the freshness of the terrain from seeping into your cabin.

How to protect yourself from the rain?

Now that you are ready to face the cold and the wind, all you have to do is equip yourself for fight the rain. To do this, get garbage bags. You can install them against the doors of the tent and secure them using the backpacks. Their primary characteristic, impermeability, will allow prevent rain from entering your tent. Especially since your bags will also be just as safe. And that is priceless.

Captivated by the digital world, Tanguy is passionate about pop culture. He spends his time on social networks, in front of series and video games in search…

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