three tips for tidying up your trunk before leaving


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Before each departure on the road for a long stay, you must first go through a crucial step: optimizing the space in the trunk of the car. To make it easier for you, here are some effective tips for better storing your belongings.

Video by Ceylia Edvige

One of the last challenges before fully enjoying your vacation, cis to have to store your things intelligently in the trunk of the car. You may have experience optimizing chests, unforeseen baggage always comes to invite itself to the party : toys for the children, a bulky beach bag, groceries… It quickly becomes a real headache, and it’s not what you need when you go on vacation. So if you want claim to be a Tetris pro with your little tribe, here’s how to do it.

Firstly, before charging the car, it is recommended to take out the warning triangle and the yellow vests if they are not in the cockpit. They must remain accessible in the event of a problem or a police check. Then, if you plan to bring duvets or bulky clothes, think ahead to put them in vacuum bags : this will save you a lot of space! Now let’s move on to the Tetris stage, the bulk of the work.

Optimizing the trunk of the car: how to proceed?

At the bottom of the trunk, we put anything heavy, bulky and rigid. This can be large suitcases or an electric scooter, anything that will not be useful to you during the trip. Then wedge the belongings together with soft bags. Bath towels, for example, pillows, or anything that can be handled in all directions without the risk of breaking or tearing. In the trunk, every space counts! You can therefore use the small nooks to put a pair of shoes, bottles… Naturally, it is recommended to never leave too heavy, because in addition to making your vehicle consume more fuel, this can be dangerous in the event of an accident. If your trunk is really too full, then opt for roof boxes.

A true jack-of-all-trades, Marjorie can both talk about the royal family and the latest series… What she likes is telling facts, deciphering the smallest details…

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