Three ways to get along well with the family

• A la carte household chores

“Hey hop! chores become child’s play ”, according to the formula on the “Who’s getting it?” card game “ from Minus editions. Once a week, each member of the family, from 4 years old, is invited to draw a “task” card and a “challenge” card, which give rise to amusing associations. Among the tasks, we get a “you will sort the socks so that they find their partner”, “you will make your room a palace of cleanliness” or “you will water the plants”. They are to be associated with a “challenge” which specifies the conditions in which to perform them: accelerated, singing, with one hand or even shouting “cocorico!” At the beginning and at the end. There is no guarantee that it will be easy, not to mention those “holding an object on your head”, “hopping as if you were walking on embers” or “as if you were a sports commentator”. Are we going back to the good old work breakdown table in week 3?

“Who is sticking to it? », 2 × 30 cards (Minus editions, 2021). 12.90 euros.

• Greener my family life

The Green Attitude “survival kit”, from the Exhausted Parent site, relies on a playful approach to ecological issues within the family.

Share your concerns for the future of the planet and adopt good daily practices within your family, with this 54 card survival kit for ages 4-120. Yes, 120 years old. Even if it means being green, you might as well stay that way for a long time. No winner or loser with this board game. We draw a card that corresponds to an action to be carried out, and which will often give rise to conversations about waste, global warming, pollution and the alternatives to adopt. “Attention, not the right to cheat, except if nobody realizes it”, concludes the short notice which itself fits on a map. But there are challenges that we will like to take on without stacking the dice, such as beating the record for the shortest shower – without forgetting to wash of course! – or name five things that you could waste less at home.

“Survival kit, Green Attitude”, edited by the Parent site sold out, “Quirky community of parents who have decided to laugh at their condition”. 7.99 euros.

• A tidy friendship

With “Kiki & Jax”, by Marie Kondo, children realize the value of storage.

Kiki accumulates everything she finds in a happy mess while Jax has no equal to keep everything tidy and in the right place. Kiki loves without counting, while Jax prefers to count what he likes. Despite their differences, they are the best friends in the world until a big obstacle stands in the way of their friendship: by dint of cramming her pine cones under her bed and her clothes in the bathtub, Kiki does not put his hand back on Jax’s ball or his swimsuit. No more ball games and swimming with his friend. Marie Kondo is the author of this book for children from 3 years old, a substitute for her bestseller The magic of storage (First Editions, 2015). Using his precepts, Jax will put Kiki in order, making room for their great friendship.

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