Thumbtack ! This incredible innovation will put an end to cold calling

Alexandre Boero

October 14, 2023 at 9:45 p.m.


cold calling © carballo / Shutterstock)

The solution to cold calling may have finally arrived © carballo / Shutterstock

THE telephone canvassing disrupts the peace of users on a daily basis. But thanks to artificial intelligence, our smartphones could very soon, via a virtual assistant, respond to canvassers for us.

Are we on the way to a new revolution regarding telephone canvassing which nevertheless seemed much better regulated? Omnipresent, AI could very quickly free us from the burden of unwanted calls on our smartphones. Imagine: soon, a feature should allow all users to let their virtual assistant handle calls from teleoperators, having previously “dialogued” with the caller, to determine the reason for their call. And the conversations will appear directly on the screen, allowing you to adapt your response. Google, Samsung and Apple are working on it, but with a limit.

AI revolutionizes call management, with intelligent filtering, for peace of mind finally claimed

Smartphone users like you will welcome a new way to manage unwanted calls using artificial intelligence. Now, just press a “filter” button and the phone’s assistant will answer for you. No more hassle of picking up to find a direct seller on the other end of the line. AI will make our interactions more efficient, but above all less intrusive.

This system works rather simply, reminiscent of the cassette answering machines of yesteryear, which some people reading this article may be nostalgic for. When you receive an unknown call, the virtual assistant picks up and asks for the purpose of the call. All conversations are then transcribed on screen, and responses adapted to the context are proposed, making it possible to effectively manage canvassers. Incredible but true.

The major advantage of this system is its realism. The voice of the virtual assistant is incredibly natural, sounding almost like a real person, eliminating that robotic impression that would make the salesperson doubt when approaching. This is a technology that promises a smoother user experience.

spam smartphone phone © Thx4Stock / Shutterstock

Telephone canvassing remains a scourge for many French people © Thx4Stock / Shutterstock

A feature currently limited to English, but be patient, it’s coming!

At the moment, the AI ​​does not fully manage the conversation, but rest assured, this functionality is planned for the future. The idea: let the assistant answer for us from start to finish. So imagine that we will soon be in the front row to witness “robot battles” in our own phones, pitting marketers against virtual assistants.

This innovation, expected in the coming months, will first be available in English on Samsung and Google smartphones, via the “Call Screen” function of the Pixel 8, and “Bixby Text Call” for the first mentioned. Apple, for its part, will offer a similar function called “Live Voicemail”, which will allow live transcription of calls, but without interaction.

These new features are, without exaggeration, intended to reinvent the way we handle unwanted calls, making the experience more user-friendly and less intrusive. And AI would thus become our ally against the telephone touts who are poisoning your life.

Sources: Clubic, FranceInfo

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