Thunderstorm wedding: rain can be so romantic!

Well, most bridal couples wish for nice weather for their wedding, but one could live with a bit of rain. But what Stephanie and Max experienced…

At first only a dark cloud could be seen on the horizon, but a few minutes later an unparalleled storm broke over the two of them. And that in the middle of a photo shoot with a photographer Kamila Harris.

Heavy rain came from all sides, water poured down the steps, streets were flooded and lightning struck the tall buildings of New York City. It was a gigantic thunderstorm! Were the two lovers bothered by it? no way! A few umbrellas were quickly organized, skirts gathered and shoes removed. The bridesmaids simply walked through flooded New York in their petticoats and barefoot. Stephanie, who loves thunderstorms, later told one in an interview TV channel: “We wanted to get married, so who cares about the rain?” A relaxed bride!

Even when the fire brigade had to come later because the wedding location, where the subsequent celebration with all guests was to take place, was also under water, Max and Stephanie kept calm. In return, they were presented with really unique photos and a great story that they can tell their grandchildren.

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